To use the TEXTAREA in your email notifications you will first need to start with a template that has the incident notification formatted for HTML content. You can either start with the sample template or follow the instructions from Tech Tip 2 to create your own HTML notification template. If you use the sample template, you want to go through the template and change the logo image used in the header and the URL that links the user to incident to match your environment. You can find the section of the template used for the Incident notification by looking for the following comment in the template:
; =============================
; =============================
It is easiest to modify the template in Notepad since it contains tags specific to Visual Intercept that may confuse some WYSIWYG HTML editors.
When you are ready to add the TEXTAREA tags locate the variables in the Incident notification template used for the substitution of the Description, Workaround, and Resolution fields these variables are respectively: $DESCRIPTION, $WORKAROUND, and, $RESOLUTION. For each of the large text fields you will want to enclose the variable with the TEXTAREA tag. So, for example:
would be replaced with:
Once you have made the modifications simply make sure that the modified template is in the template directory specified in the settings for the notification service, and restart the service. Once you have completed these steps you are finished. This modification to the template will not only ensure that the text will wrap properly, it will also display the text in a control with a scroll bar which makes it more convenient to review incidents that contain large amounts of text.
If you have other questions about issues not included in or beyond the scope of this Tech Tip, please contact Elsinore Technical Support Services at [email protected] or 866.866.0034, option 2.