By focusing single-mindedly on features and functionality, many software companies forget who they are developing products for: their customers. Elsinore recognizes the importance of strong, two-way communications between a company and its chosen vendor before, during and after a software installation.

To help foster the communications that lead to the creation of better products, Elsinore has formed a Customer Advisory Board. Our Advisory Board members provide valuable feedback and suggestions about Visual Intercept. And, as we continue our evolution into enterprise issue management, we proactively seek the input of each one of our customers during every interaction.
At Elsinore, every customer matters... no matter the size or solution. The Elsinore Technologies Customer Advisory Board convenes via teleconference regularly. For more information, or to inquire about becoming an Advisory Board member, please contact us.

Elsinore Technologies, Inc.
4700 Six Forks Road
Suite 320
Raleigh, NC 27609
Sales & Support: 866-866-0034
Information: 919-532-0022
Fax: 919-523-0023