About the Visual Intercept Web Demo

This demo site features Visual Intercept Web. This Visual Intercept product is designed to be used by team members who would be submitting, tracking, assigning, and resolving issues. In other words, this product is designed for users who play a significant role in moving the issue through some portion of its lifecycle. As a result Visual Intercept Web is designed to offer the user maximum functionality and access to detailed issue information.

This site is connected to the same Visual Intercept database as the other demonstration site - Visual Intercept Web Relay. Web Relay is a product designed for users who need to submit and track issues of interest to them, but don’t play a significant role in the issue resolution. A typical Relay user would be one of your customers, a beta tester, a sales person, or analyst. So, In addition to reviewing Visual Intercept Web, you can submit an issue from Visual Intercept Web Relay as if you were a customer, and then work with the issue in Visual Intercept Web.

About the Visual SourceSafe Integration

This Visual Intercept Web site also features integration to a remote Visual SourceSafe database. Each incident has an SCCS tab where developers can track the specific source file versions that were modified in course of resolving the incident. The integration also allows developers to add, get, check-in, and check-out, get history, and get properties of these files over the internet.

This web site is connected to a Visual SourceSafe archive that is populated with several projects and a number of Visual Intercept case studies, whitepapers, and technotes. When you first attempt to work with the files the integration will prompt you to install a .NET control. If you would like to use the integration, but don’t want or don’t have the privileges to install the control, please contact Elsinore sales at: .

Some Features You Won’t See on this Site

Visual Intercept is highly customizable and features 100% web based administration. However, because this is a demonstration environment which has many different visitors from many different organizations every day, we have disabled or password protected some features of the site that would allow you to radically change the site’s configuration or appearance. If you would like the opportunity to see or work with Visual Intercept’s web based administration, customization capabilities, workflow editor, or e-mail notification system, please contact , to arrange a demonstration of those features.

To use either demo site you can simply logon as “guest” with no password. This user has been granted unrestricted access to all of the projects and incidents within the system.