Elsinore Technologies The Elsinore Technologies Story Elsinore Technologies, a software company based in Raleigh, NC, anticipated the growing need for teams of programmers to have a centralized system for tracking defects found during software development. Seeing that Microsoft had yet to fill that niche, Elsinore set out to build and market a defect tracking system tailored to the needs of Windows developers. Elsinore developed Visual Intercept, a suite of “bug tracking” tools, in 1996 and quickly captured the industry-leader position for defect management. Elsinore forged a strong relationship with Microsoft, and tailored both its product design and market position to leverage Microsoft’s huge installed base of developer’s tools. Jon Roskill, the director of Visual Tools marketing for Microsoft, declared: “Visual Intercept is the right technology, the right approach, with the right level of integration. Elsinore has leveraged all our core technologies into a powerful system for Visual Tool users.” Eager to provide an integrated bug-tracking solution to its customers, Microsoft has promoted Visual Intercept on over a dozen of its web sites and CD’s, including the Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN), the Visual C++ and Visual Basic web sites, the SiteBuilder Network, and the Visual InterDev Web Solutions CD. From the beginning, Elsinore Technologies dedicated the resources necessary to insure that Visual Intercept would achieve the following objectives:
Visual Intercept would be a professionally built product. A product that would do for incident management what Visual SourceSafe did for version control. |
Visual Intercept would be expressly designed to integrate into the Microsoft visual tool strategy, and would have as much of a Microsoft look and feel as possible for a product built by an independent software vendor. |
Visual Intercept would be designed as a truly scaleable client/server enterprise ready incident management system. |
Visual Intercept would take full advantage of recent technologies and market place trends such as three-tier architecture, ODBC, and internet/intranet. |
Visual Intercept would be, initially, as fully featured as any competitive product on the market.